A successful democracy depends on the faith and involvement of the people. The best way to participate is to vote, not only in the general election every four years, but in local elections, from school boards to local legislatures. Voting always matters. Even encouraging kids to vote in student body […]
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Civics and the Bill of Rights
In December 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified.[1] It is a summary of rights that puts limitations on the federal and state governments. However, the interpretation and application of the Bill of Rights continues to be subjects of much political and legal controversy. First Amendment: Freedom of speech, press, […]
The Civics of Gerrymandering
Gerrymandering is the drawing of boundaries of electoral districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage over another political party to dilute the power of certain voting groups.[i] Moreover, this tactic presents a political question, rather than a Constitutional one and is therefore out of the […]
Civics in Voting
Civics and a Brand New Republic
Where the British monarchy ended in the colonies, a republic began in the United States. The founding fathers were aware of just how fragile this new government would be. This means that the power would rest in the citizens who would choose their representatives through voting. As the story goes, when Benjamin […]